Any Charge?
Debit Card
We do not charge for debit card payments. Cards accepted: Maestro, Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard
Please note: If you contact us to arrange to pay your account by instalments automatically using your debit card (this is known as a Continuous Payment Authority or CPA), the details of how this will operate can be found by clicking here. Please telephone us to set this up.
We do not charge for debit card payments
Visit our payment page to make a secure payment through our website. Cards accepted: Maestro, Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard
We do not charge for debit card payments
Direct Debit or Standing Order

Call 03331 110 800 to arrange payment by Direct Debit or Standing Order.
No Charge
Internet or Telephone Banking

If you bank online, contact us for our bank details to make a one off payment or to get help with setting up a standing order. Alternatively you can register through this website to make a payment.
No Charge
At Your Local Bank

Use the payment slip provided (we can provide these if you don't already have some - please call us on 03331 110 800). If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to: Overdales Legal Ltd and write your reference number, name, and address on the back of the cheque. The bank may apply a handling charge.
Barclays (No charge)
Other banks may apply a handling fee
By Post

Please make your cheque or postal order payable to: Overdales Legal Ltd and write your reference number on the back. Send your payment to the address shown in the Contact Us page. The post office will make a charge for issuing postal
Cheque: No Charge
Postal Order: A Post office fee will apply
Information About Continuous Payment Authority
What is a Continuous Payment Authority?
A continuous payment authority (CPA) means that payments can be taken automatically on a regular basis using a debit card.
Why do we propose this method?
A CPA using a debit card is convenient for you as you will not need to contact us to make an instalment payment every time it becomes due.
Alternative payment options
If you do not wish to choose a CPA other payment methods are available, details of which can be found above.
The Terms
- When agreeing a CPA by debit card with you, you may choose the most appropriate payment date and we will agree the regular instalment amount and how regularly payments will be taken.
- By giving us your card details you authorise us to take the agreed instalments automatically using your debit card.
- We will confirm the terms of the arrangement to you in writing.
- We will not attempt to take the payment before the date agreed and we will make a collection attempt on that date (or on the next business day if the day falls on a bank holiday or Sunday).
- We will not take a payment amount that is different to the agreed instalment amount unless it is the final payment and the remaining balance on the account is less than the instalment amount.
- If the payment is declined, we will attempt to contact you to establish the reason for this. If we cannot contact you we will make a further collection attempt either later the same day or on the next business day.
- If the payment continues to be declined, after two attempts we will cancel the payment arrangement and no further collections attempts will be made using the debit card details provided until we have agreed new terms with you.
- We will not apply any default fees or charges if your payment is declined but we may continue to contact you about your debt if we cannot agree an alternative payment arrangement.
You can change terms of the continuous payment arrangement at any time by calling us, or you may cancel the arrangement by calling us or your card provider.